10 Gaming Facts Nobody Wants To Admit

9. The "Ubisoft Formula" Is Popular For A Reason

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League

There are few AAA publishers more popular to dunk on than Ubisoft, who are constantly criticised for the formulaic nature of their open-world games, ranging from Assassin's Creed to Far Cry, Watch Dogs, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, and most recent Star Wars Outlaws.

The so-called "Ubisoft Formula" is defined by open world maps which are populated with tedious busy-work tasks, endless collectathons, and a lot of Things To Do but not a lot of things actually worth doing.

And yet, for as much as the gaming press loves to rib Ubisoft for how bland they perceive this template to be, general players have made it clear time and time again that they can't get enough of it.

There's a reason that most of the aforementioned games are hot sellers - your casual gamer who is maybe only playing a few AAA games per year and yet encompasses a massive slice of the gaming market, actively enjoys the unchallenging familiarity of these staid open worlds.

It's like fast food - a dependable(ish) product for your money, even if it's hardly artistry of a high order. 

Much as gamers with more "refined palettes" might decry how characterless the Ubisoft Formula is, it works for the overwhelming majority of people playing games.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.