10 Gaming Facts Nobody Wants To Admit

5. Video Game Storytelling Is Still (Mostly) Inferior

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League

We've thankfully come a long way from the notion that most video game storytelling is bad - we simply wouldn't have TV adaptations of The Last of Us and Fallout if mainstream game narratives were still predominantly shallow messes.

But it's also worth facing up to the truth - much as we all want video games to be seen as a "mature" medium, most games are still lagging behind the best storytelling available in movies, TV, and books.

There are certainly exceptions, especially with some of the uncompromising, impeccably written games in the indie space, but in the AAA sphere in particular, the "biggest" games tend to fall short when stood next to the most prominent works in other art forms.

And it makes sense given that gaming is a much newer medium than any of the above - it's still maturing comparatively, and as the years pass we're likely to see the complexity and nuance of its narratives only increase.

And of course, it's worth noting that video games have one major advantage over these other disciplines - they're interactive, and great gameplay can often comfortably paper over sloppy writing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.