10 Gaming Facts Nobody Wants To Admit

4. Our Obsession With Graphics Is Hurting The Industry

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League
Ninja Theory

There's no denying that the games industry is in a rough place right now - layoffs are at an all-time high, and the average development time of a new AAA game just keeps getting longer.

The latter is in large part due to gamers tirelessly demanding eye-wateringly cutting-edge graphics if they're going to throw down £60 for a new release. 

And even accepting that the current gen has felt rather underwhelming from a technical perspective, it's still clear that publishers often spend over five years pouring enormous time and money into producing games as mind-bogglingly polished and photoreal as possible.

Yet perhaps it's time for gamers as a whole to take a step back and appreciate how this endless thirst for state-of-the-art visuals is only placing studios in ever-more dire straits, because when they spend as long as a decade making a game, it has to be a megahit, or it might kill them off overnight.

And this is without even getting into more problematic issues like crunch.

But what can be done? More of an emphasis on distinctive and arresting art styles, rather than laboured-over photorealism, is probably a good start.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.