10 Gaming Flops Much Better Than Their Reputations

9. Beyond Good And Evil

Kingdoms of Amalur

Beyond Good And Evil was a game lightyears ahead of its time. The mix of stealth, fluid combat, photography modes, puzzles and dynamic set-pieces was the precursor to a formula Developer Ubisoft would perfect in later games, such as Assassin's Creed and Far Cry.

Beyond Good And Evil suffered for its innovation, however. The game was released on the PS2, original Xbox and Gamecube. These consoles had previously brought video games market forward leaps and bounds both artistically and financially but were just a bit too weak to handle a game of Beyond Good And Evil's scope. The camera was a nightmare to keep control of and its open-world felt too static, with objectives a bit too obtuse to fully grasp before the lofty days of mission markers we live in today.

For these reasons, Beyond Good And Evil tanked financially. The game's bold premise, colourful characters and innovative gameplay were something that audiences just were not ready for. Beyond Good And Evil was revolutionary.

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Watcher of old films. Player of many games. Lover of all sports. Pretentious on most music. Useless at physical tasks.