10 Gaming Franchises Sega Really Need To Resurrect

7. Altered Beast

Altered Beast

Altered Beast might not be one of the more famous games on this list and many real old school gamers will probably be unaware that ever became a franchise at all being that there was no less than 14 years between the original 1988 arcade game and the Game Boy Advance only sequel.

Beat ‘em up games came and went in the late eighties and early nineties but Altered Beast had one very unique concept that kept it fresh. This was the ability of your character to transform into different beasts, all with their own unique abilities, by collecting a series of power-ups.

After the 2005 PlayStation 2 game Project Altered Beast, which took the game into 3D, we never saw the series again. Although the main character Neff was one of many classic gaming characters to appear in Walt Disney’s homage to arcade gaming Wreck It Ralph.

Surely with the transformation element alone Sega have the basis of a great game, something along the line of Dark Stalkers would certainly work rather well. Make your way through open world style enchanted lands looking for potions to upgrade your character so you can transform into a selection of different beasts. Then hunt down the bosses and do battle with evil one-on-one or join some other beasts online and team up to defeat the demons.

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Kieren is from England and is a well known figure in gaming circles. As a writer he is probably best known for his work on the award-winning Retro Gamer magazine but over the years he has written for numerous publications and websites. A keen games collector himself, he is also the organiser of several UK-based gaming events and has a big social media presence.