10 Gaming Franchises That Deserve The Anime Treatment

5. Undertale

super metroid
Toby Fox

Undertale is a beast unto its own on the internet.

Although no official anime has ever been made for the indie game, there's an ever-deepening rabbit hole of fan animations, alternate universes and fan-made games that proves the potential to bring it to the small screen. Sure, many people would hate it - as the game's popularity created a lot of detractors - but seeing the underground brought to life with professional animation would be breathtaking.

The appeal of this game is hard to pinpoint, as it really did have a lot going for it. But, one pervasive feature that captured every player's heart was the lovable characters. They each had a tonne of spirit and personality, meaning that the game felt well thought out and enjoyable no matter who you were talking to.

Seeing all of these iconic characters - and maybe even a few more chucked in - in a new medium would be incredibly fun and emotional. It's impossible to deny that Sans as a self-aware anime character is a tantalising prospect.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!