10 Gaming Moments IMPOSSIBLE To View The Same Way After This

5. Vaas Intentionally Shoots The Lighter He Placed In Jason's Pocket (Far Cry 3)

gaming gaming

One of the main criticisms levelled at Far Cry 3's story is that Vaas - the psychotic main villain of the game - has plenty of opportunities to kill protagonist Jason, only for the hero's plot armour to repeatedly keep him alive.

But something that many people miss is that Vaas doesn't really want to kill Jason, as hinted at by Vaas' musings about insanity, and how it means that you're doing the exact same thing over and over and over again - i.e., him and Jason constantly fighting each other, but neither of them actually winning.

Clearer evidence of Vaas' reluctance to murder his enemy can be found in the middle of the game, when Jason's helicopter crashes, and Vaas shoots him in the chest after he crawls from the wreckage. Miraculously though, Jason survives, revealing that a lighter - which was sitting in his chest pocket - took the bullet for him.

Far Cry 3 Jason saved by lighter

And how did that lighter get there? Well, in an easily-forgotten moment during the earlier prison sequence, it's actually Vaas who puts it in his pocket (see 1:30 in the video below). Then, later on - after Jason's chopper accident - we see that Vaas purposefully aims at the lighter, in order to keep his foe alive.

Once you connect these dots, it completely changes your perception of the pair's rivalry. It isn't a hero and a villain who are hell bent on destroying each other - it's actually a far more twisted Batman/Joker-esque love/hate relationship.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.