10 Gaming Predictions For 2014

9. Virtual Reality Will Be Shoved Down Our Throats

Oculus Rift is the Kickstarter-funded Virtual Reality headset that has been doing the tech show rounds recently and whipping up a storm. They've convinced Valve of all companies that it's a viable way to play games, and that by next year, it will be something that will pick up considerable traction with the gaming mainstream. If motion control is the gimmick that's quickly becoming tiresome, I fully expect VR to become the next big thing for video game companies to shove down our throats until we're sick and begging them to stop. If the PC versions continue to be well-received, expect Sony and Microsoft in particular to follow suit with their own VR headsets for their respective consoles, in an attempt to provide a more immersive and authentic world for gamers to inhabit. Though the tech is undeniably impressive, just like motion control, it'll probably get wasted on a broad range of games that get boring after 15 minutes.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.