10 Gaming Vistas That Blew Us Away

1. Anor Londo - Dark Souls

It might seem obvious, given the title, but Dark Souls is a dark game. Areas like the Depths and Blighttown are incredibly gloomy zones which are rich in atmosphere and tension and you might be forgiven for thinking that the entire game is going to play out the same way. You'd be wrong. After clearing the trap filled Sen's Fortress, the player is grabbed by a demon and flown into a brand new area; one that will absolutely blow you away. Anor Londo is a cathedral city bathed in sunlight and it's an incredible treat to the eyes, helped massively by the darkness you've endured to get there. An image or out-of-context video doesn't do Anor Londo justice; you need to endure Dark Souls' hardship to fully appreciate this gorgeous spectacle. Of course, looks can be deceiving; Anor Londo is anything but heavenly. You'll quickly learn that it's one of the toughest tests in the original Dark Souls. The zone's architecture leaves plenty of gaps for you to fall through and the enemies are definitely no pushovers; the area's boss battle, the daunting Smough and Ornstein, is regularly regarded as the hardest in the game. Still, you'll explore Anor Londo with an immense feeling of awe, eager to push on and see what other sights the game is hiding away. Dark Souls is full of great moments which show why the game is head and shoulders above so many others; arriving in Anor Londo might just be the finest. Agree? Disagree? Can you think of a game that blew you away with one particular area? Let us know in the comments below.
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.