10 Gaming Vistas That Blew Us Away

10. Gran Pulse - Final Fantasy XIII

Plenty of people have pointed out Final Fantasy XIII's flaws so how about looking at the positives for once? The game looks absolutely beautiful with the level design (aside from the linearity) a particular highlight. Walking in a straight line has never looked so good! Corridor jokes aside, Final Fantasy XIII hits a peak when you leave Cocoon and arrive on the planet below - Gran Pulse. Here, the game finally opens out and you're free to explore at your own pace. It's a place that you'll want to explore too with rolling hills, blue skies and massive enemies that dwarf you. Seeing Cocoon hanging in the sky adds a nice touch of sci-fi to the proceedings while also reminding you of the prison you've just escaped from. Not only is Gran Pulse amazingly bright and exciting, thanks to the design, there's a wonderful sense of adventure. Seeing enemies as big as skyscrapers fuels your desire to level up and defeat them and there's plenty else to see and do during your stay on Gran Pulse. While it doesn't solve all of Final Fantasy XIII's problems (it comes far too late in the game to do that), arriving in Gran Pulse almost makes your arduous journey worthwhile. Almost.
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.