10 Garbage Games Everybody Bought Anyway
4. Nintendo Switch Sports

After Wii Sports sold 80+ million copies, Nintendo was obligated to launch a bunch of follow-ups. And when the Switch became the company's biggest console, a direct sequel called Nintendo Switch Sports was greenlit.
To make sure the project was done right, Nintendo had the original directors of Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort oversee matters. If Nintendo played their cards right, the sports sim had the opportunity to reignite the dormant brand, bringing in a heap of profit for years to come.
Nintendo Switch Sports may have amassed a small fortune, but that's not an indicator of its quality. Each of the nine mini-games had one major flaw or another, whether it was slow pacing, lack of variety, or finicky gameplay. It also suffered game-crashing bugs so infrequently, the servers were taken offline.
Unlike Wii Sports, Nintendo Switch Sports doesn't attempt to do anything revolutionary with its motion controls. This isn't just disappointing but confusing, considering there are plenty of Switch games that utilise the Joy-Cons in a creative way, like Just Dance, Arms, and Ring Fit.
In hindsight, it's baffling how something so forgettable and mediocre as Nintendo Switch Sports turned a profit.