10 Genius Video Game Easter Eggs You Need To See For Yourself

8. R.I.P. Duke Nukem - Blood

Animal Crossing Resetti

It may seem like a jab at a popular video game character, but this Easter egg was actually a very unusual way of thanking the creators of Duke Nukem.

In the ‘Dark Carnival’ level, there are lots of carnival games to play with, from zombie head-football to the Happy-Go-Pukey Ferris wheel. This one can be found in the stage with the tightrope above a pit of snakes.

If you decide to press one of the signs on the side of the pit, it will open a nearby secret passage containing the mangled corpse of the alien ass-kicker Duke Nukem.

When the sadistic anti-hero of Blood slaps the body around, he’ll quip “Ooh, shake it, baby!” - the same thing Duke said after tipping strippers in the iconic third game of the series.

There’s a story to this ‘cameo’. Duke’s creators, 3D Realms, were going to work on Blood, a horror-themed shooter a la Duke Nukem 3D. They decided to focus on their spiritual successor, Shadow Warrior (another great game) instead.

The company sold the rights to Monolith and let them finish up the project, and as a result, they thanked 3D Realms in their own special way.

Sure, they could have sent flowers and a card, but it wouldn’t have been nearly as fun.


Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.