10 GENIUS Video Game Features No One Saw Coming

9. Spider-Cat - Spider-Man: Miles Morales

FINAL FANTASY 10 blitzball

Spider-Man: Miles Morales was always going to be a highlight of PlayStation 5’s early lifespan. Following in the wake of the tremendous Marvel’s Spider-Man, Miles Morales’ new adventure in the same mould, powered by the might of the next-generation console, has been a big selling point.

Those who enjoyed the fluid, varied, gadgets-aplenty combat and slick web-swinging offered by the original will be right at home here. The original told a truly emotional story and served as a real love letter to long-time followers of the Webhead, but Miles’ unique powers make him feel both comfortingly familiar yet varied enough for veteran players to want to go another several rounds.

One particular feature of Spider-Man: Miles Morales that has come as a real curveball is the loveable feline friend Spider-Cat, available as part of one of the many different costume options our hero can don after it’s rescued in the course of a certain mission. It’s probably the best thing gaming has brought the world in some time.


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