10 GENIUS Video Game Features No One Saw Coming
4. Capturing & Controlling Enemies - Super Mario Odyssey
GameCube title Super Mario Sunshine is considered the black sheep of the family
in a lot of ways. With its tropical setting and the outlandish F.L.U.D.D.
device, it was a whole new experience.
Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel, in turn, flipped the rulebook on its head once more with its outer space gravity-defying shenanigans and circumnavigation mechanics (born of the idea first seen in the bizarre Super Mario 128). The question was, which quirky new feature would Mario’s first big Nintendo Switch adventure introduce?
While the Capture mechanic is a little too gimmicky for some, it’s a riot of fun to ‘possess’ the various creatures Mario comes across and enjoy the transformation. The early trailer, in which a Tyrannosaurus Rex is revealed to have been Captured hinted at just how silly and fun this idea could be, and controlling the mighty beast in the game itself –and so many others-- just proved it.