10 GENIUS Ways People Beat Video Games

6. Twitch Chat - Pokemon Red

doom potatoes

Do you remember group projects from high school? This is like that but better.

In 2014, an anonymous Australian programmer set up a game of Pokemon Red on a Twitch stream where the chat dictated the actions of the Pokemon trainer. You type B in the chat, the game pressed B on the controller. You pressed up, the game pressed up, and so on.

The stream became an instant hit as people flocked to participate. Even if the concurrent 80,000 people playing resulted in difficulty progressing through the game, and for a moment, it looked like beating it would be impossible.

Many hours were spent in one area walking against walls or scrolling through a menu infinitely; many people growing frustrated over the lack of progress. But then, after 16 days of continuous gameplay (which is about 384 hours), Zapdos performed one last Thundershock against Blue’s Blastoise, and the game was beaten.

The Twitch stream has become extremely popular ever since and has been done with multiple other games such as Dark Souls and Pokemon Crystal. But the original still stands as the most impressive, a time when gamers worldwide united to become the Pokemon champion.

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My second biggest passion in life is writing. The first is Kingdom Hearts. I'm also a fan of all things video games and anime. With some comic books on the side. If you want to see some of my other stuff, check out my blog: thelechuga.com