10 GENIUS Ways People Beat Video Games

5. Powered By Potatoes - Doom

doom potatoes
iD Software/LazyGameReviews

If you’ve gone to any high school science fair, chances are you’ve seen the classic potato battery. If you’re unaware, a potato has the materials and metals necessary to generate electrodes and can be used to light a lightbulb if wired in a specific way.

This experiment has been done many times and helps answer many questions kids have regarding energy. But gamers have discovered a new question that experimentation needs to answer: how many potatoes does it take to run Doom?

This is the question YouTuber Equalo asked himself. But unlike many others, he pursued the drive for knowledge and experimented for the answer.

After calculations, he realized that he would require approximately 770 potato pieces to play Doom the traditional way. But after some trial and error, he couldn't execute it properly; and since he had rotting potatoes lined up in his garage, he just felt like giving up.

But then it hit him, instead of using a traditional computer, why not use a graphic calculator? A device that required much less power. After setting up approximately 200 potato pieces, he hooked it all up to his battery-less calculator and played Doom.

He might not have gotten very far in the game, but the simple fact that he performed something like this deserves a spot on this list.

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