10 GENIUS Ways People Beat Video Games

4. Lipstick - Counter-Strike

doom potatoes

Counter-Strike is a manly war game that mainly appeals to a male audience. But Twitch streamer Chloe Desmoineaux wanted to break that stereotype. Specifically, by adding in something usually related to girls: lipstick.

Using a Makey-Makey kit, she hooked up a control board and some alligator clips to her lipstick which then connected to the button presses of her PC through USB, creating what she calls Lipstrike. She still uses a mouse for various actions, including left-click to move, right-click to aim, and scroll wheel to switch weapons. But firing is decided by makeup.

It’s impressive seeing her in action, using automatic weapons and sniper rifles with relative ease as she racks up kills and wins multiple matches with her set-up. If the gameplay were shown by itself, you probably wouldn't realize that the person playing is using lipstick.

Desmoineaux set out to break gender stereotypes with her obscure way of playing, and with the popularity she earned, she most certainly accomplished that goal.

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My second biggest passion in life is writing. The first is Kingdom Hearts. I'm also a fan of all things video games and anime. With some comic books on the side. If you want to see some of my other stuff, check out my blog: thelechuga.com