10 GENIUS Ways Players Beat Video Games

3. Holding The Controller Backwards - Armored Core

Super Mario 64
Twitter: Shark_5214

Back in 2012, word started to do the rounds that hardcore Armored Core players had invented their own unique style of holding a PlayStation controller in order to play the game more intuitively.

What would soon become known as the "AC Grip" involved holding the controller back-to-front and locking it in a sort-of claw grip, as would allegedly allow them to more organically control the game's giant mechs.

Though at first it was suggested that the post was nothing more than a mere joke about the game's convoluted control scheme, the AC Grip has since become an earnest thing for many fans who have reportedly played through the entire game using the grip.

The AC Grip's popularity was renewed back in 2019 when a Japanese player used the technique while playing Fortnite, and today it remains a common alternate strategy among die-hard Armored Core fans.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.