10 GENIUS Ways Players Outsmarted Video Games

8. Skipping Boss Fights - Resident Evil: Code Veronica

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Resident Evil: Code Veronica is considered to be one of, if not the hardest game in the series. This is down to its heavy reliance on tough boss encounters, increased amount of on-screen enemies and some genuinely infuriating game design that can force players into unwinnable states.

You'll need to employ many different tactics to ensure your survival, with the conservation of ammo being your top priority. The easiest and most effective way of doing so is to choose your battles carefully.

And as luck would have it two of the late-game bosses, the Albinoid Adult and the Giant Black Widow, can be bypassed in seconds if you know what you're doing.

Players that had mastered the tank controls realised that you can simply rush into the boss arena, grab the key item they're protecting and leg it out of the door. It's not essential to kill either of the bosses in question, because all you get for your troubles is bragging rights and a load of wasted ammo.

Code Veronica isn't the only game in the series where this is possible, but it's certainly the one where it's the most useful to do so.

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Fallout 3
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UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.