10 GENIUS Ways Video Games Fought Cheaters

8. Hijacking Their Character In-Game - Guild Wars 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

Guild Wars 2 evidently doesn't suffer cheaters lightly, and made one hell of an example out of one especially prolific rascal back in 2015.

A player character by the name of J T Darkside reportedly spent around three weeks wreaking havoc throughout the massive multiplayer online gaming world, attacking other players and teleporting around the map with impunity.

Players reported Darkside to developer ArenaNet in swaths, and after a surprisingly lengthy period of inaction, they finally decided to act.

But ArenaNet didn't stop at merely banning the cheating bastard - they bodied him so thoroughly that it sent a triple-stamped message to anybody else planning to ruin other players' fun with their cheating ways.

Guild Wars 2 security lead Chris Cleary eventually took to the game's official forums to reveal that not only had Darkside been banned, he'd been jettisoned from the game in the most comically theatrical manner possible.

Cleary posted a video of him logging into Darkside's account, stripping his character naked, flinging him to his death, and then deleting both characters registered on his account.

Needless to say, sympathy for the cheater was few and far between, even if this was an especially performative act of quite literally parading a cheater's humiliated corpse through the digital streets.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.