10 Genuine WTF Moments in Video Games

6. Shadow Of The Colossus Twist Ending

Several games have used a very clever twist, one which featured the protagonist actually ending up being the bad guy. Some of the more memorable include Castlevania: Lords of Shadow's revelation that you were Dracula all along and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic where you play as a fearsome Sith Lord. However, the one that made the best use of this technique is Shadow of the Colossus. All the while you think that you are playing as a courageous, innocent young man willing to fight off the biggest, scariest monsters in the land in order to save your maiden. In the end, though, it turns out that you have been a pawn for the villain all along. With each new victory you have helped evil and hindered good, exactly the opposite of what the hero is supposed to do. This revelation is expertly presented in Shadow of the Colossus, leaving the player genuinely confused, shocked and outraged with the brilliant, jaw-dropping revelation enjoying a kicker when you got to play as Dormin. Not many games are capable of performing such a feat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzFzri5BW6U

Radu recently left a boring job and now writes stuff on the internet. When he's not here he's probably writing for GeeKiez. He's into wrestling, video games and a ton of TV shows, as well as all things weird or science-y. Feel free to talk to him about this stuff on Twitter.