10 Genuine WTF Moments in Video Games

5. Lollipop Chainsaw's Perverted Achievement

Lollipop Chainsaw is an insane game featuring a ridiculous story, bizarre characters and over-the-top gameplay. The name itself is pretty suggestive of what you can expect to encounter within the game. You play as chainsaw-wielding high school cheerleader Juliet Starling doing her very best to survive a zombie apocalypse, obviously. Everything in this game is meant to separate it from the standard zombie games that we are accustomed to. At the same time, though, the producers of the game clearly show that they know their audience very well. Like all cheerleaders, Juliet is wearing a teeny, tiny skirt, and through a few cunning manipulations of the camera, you can catch a glimpse of her underwear. This is something that many gamers will probably attempt, although few of them would admit it in public, but then Lollipop Chainsaw doesn€™t really give them a choice. If you take a good, long look at Juliet€™s underwear, you get an achievement/trophy called €œI Swear I Did It By Mistake€ naming and shaming/celebrating your perversion depending on how you see it. After the initial moment of confusion passes, you are left to realize in horror that now all of your friends on Xbox Live and PSN can see exactly the kind of pervert you are... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_PFJ5_dIzk

Radu recently left a boring job and now writes stuff on the internet. When he's not here he's probably writing for GeeKiez. He's into wrestling, video games and a ton of TV shows, as well as all things weird or science-y. Feel free to talk to him about this stuff on Twitter.