10 Gimmick Bosses In Dark Souls

5. Moonlight Butterfly - Dark Souls 1

Dark Souls Ancient wyvern

Depending on your build, there is a fair chance that playing through the first game or the remaster, you might not even notice that this boss had a "gimmick" so to speak. If you were equipped to use ranged attacks or spells, then the Moonlight Butterfly (found in the Darkroot Garden) shouldn't have caused you much difficulty.

If you were a melee build, then chances are that you will have encountered what makes this boss a little unusual. Forced to fight only on a narrow bridge-like walkway, the player without a long-range option would find themselves dodging or blocking the attacks of the Butterfly as it floated painfully out of reach.

After what most would argue was a little too long, it would glide gently in to where the player was standing in order to feed on moss that grew on the bridge. If you were sufficiently geared, this one opening would be enough to see it off. If not, better get ready for more tedious dodging and rolling until it came back in to recharge.

Not a bad boss and not a bad gimmick, the main complaint was the length of time you were forced to wait before getting your hits in.

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Dark Souls
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Matthew is a Marine Engineer to trade who writes sub-standard Scottish crime fiction in his spare time that can be found here:- https://mmacleodwriting.uk/ Originally brought up in the Western Isles of Scotland, he lived in Edinburgh for 18 years but now stay in Aberdeenshire with his partner, sons and dog.