10 Gimmick Bosses In Dark Souls

6. Yhorm The Giant - Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls Ancient wyvern

One of the Lords of Cinder in Dark Souls 3, this enormous adversary is found in the Profaned Capital, waiting for you. If you follow Siegward of Catarina's quest line all the way through, this is not a boss you have to face alone and for new players, seeing the weapon choice of the onion knight will give you a hint as to what the gimmick here is.

Similarly to the Wyvern, it is entirely possible to kill him "normally" provided you have patience, repair powder or a lot of spare weapons but the key is the Storm Ruler hidden behind his throne. By using its charged special attack, you can take him down in a short time with each blow dealing a large chunk of his health bar.

Lore wise, lonely Yhorm entrusted this weapon which he knew could kill him to the people who asked him to rule over them, ensuring that if they ever changed their mind, they could topple him from power.

The nostalgia value of this weapon from Demon's Souls elevated it in a lot of players minds more than the fight itself did. While not particularly bad, there wasn't much to make it memorable.

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Matthew is a Marine Engineer to trade who writes sub-standard Scottish crime fiction in his spare time that can be found here:- https://mmacleodwriting.uk/ Originally brought up in the Western Isles of Scotland, he lived in Edinburgh for 18 years but now stay in Aberdeenshire with his partner, sons and dog.