10 Glitches That Actually IMPROVED Video Games
9. Wario Stadium Shortcut
Cheating has rarely been so enjoyable as that seen on Wario Stadium from Mario Kart 64, a terribly broken and beautiful path that allows the exploiter to complete a classic Mario track in a fraction of its usual time.
For those unaware to Nintendo’s glaring oversight—which many would rather call it than a “glitch”—gaining enough speed right at the beginning of the track allows the driver to hop over a wall, and Bob’s your mother’s brother, you’ve cut out a healthy chunk of the muddy madness.
Now, in today’s day and age, such an error if found would be patched out of a title quicker than you could say “For crying out loud, Kojima, what is taking so long?” But here this one remained in all its glory.
Future Mario Kart titles comprising Wario Stadium were cured of this rather obvious mishap but booting up one of the best cartridges available on the N64 allows us all to go back and remember what it was to feel like a king and a criminal at the same time.
Speed runs on Wario Stadium took on a whole new meaning after this glitch became common knowledge, and Mario Kart 64 was changed forever.