10 Glitches That Actually IMPROVED Video Games

6. Rocket Jumping

The Spy
Roblox Blog

Are you a first-person shooter fanatic? Tired of playing exclusively at ground level? Need to get that glitchy advantage over the online masses?

Well good news, Timmy! Rocket-jumping lets you transform from lowly troop to airborne acrobat in seconds!

This is one such glitch that’s fuzzy on the details when it comes to its official origin, and although the Quake series is the one most commonly linked with the practice, rocket jumping predates even that.

It’s no coincidence that it was another series created by iD Software designer John Romero, Doom, that featured something akin to rocket jumping all the way back in 1993—although an invincibility boost was needed for this very specific secret in E3M6.

Nowadays, the method is still incorporated in games as recent as Overwatch, while a cult classic like Team Fortress based much of the Soldier character’s appeal on his ability to rocket jump.

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