10 Glitches That Actually IMPROVED Video Games

5. Super Mario Multi-Coin Blocks

The Spy

A relatively small error in the Super Mario matrix, but one that, when you think about it, would be sorely missed if the best-selling series of all time were to suddenly be robbed of its reward.

The old rumours goes that Nintendo’s Super Mario Bros.—sequel to the series opener, Mario Bros.—was intended for all question mark boxes to yield one coin and one coin only when booped by the main protagonists little plumber head, but anomalies emerged that produced more and even lives in some cases.

Programmers noticed their multi-coin mistake and took it out, only to circle back and decide they actually preferred it and rewrote the code once more to keep it in.

More than 30 years later and millions of players the world over will still find these treasure troves of currency littered throughout Mario games, suggesting it might have been the right call to keep it.

And anyway, free lives—who’s complaining?

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