10 Glitches That Ruined Your Favourite Games

2. Some Demos Just Want to Watch the World Burn...

Those who received a shiny new PS2 around the November 2004 mark will potentially be all too aware of this insidious and completely soul-crushing glitch. Be warned, even being reminded of it might cause destructive anger-flashbacks. Included with PS2€™s around the time, the Playstation Underground Holiday 2004 Demo Disc featured demos of several upcoming PS2 games including; Ratchet and Clank 3 and Star Wars Battlefront, amongst other noteworthy titles. The glitch came directly from one such demo €“ Viewtiful Joe 2. No doubt you€™d have forgotten about this demo disc when you got your PS2 and immediately started playing your lovely new games. Until one rainy Sunday a year later, when you decided to whack it on through sheer boredom. And if you decided you wanted to play the Viewtiful Joe 2 demo, you were shit out of luck. Check out this statement released after the fact by the publisher:
NOTE: An error-causing bug on one of the game's demos, Viewtiful Joe 2, may unintentionally delete save data on the player's Memory Card -- remove the Memory Card before playing this portion of the disc or skip the error-causing demo.
Thanks for the warning, but it€™s already too late. You know that game you€™d spend 150 hours 100%€™ing? Yeah well, that€™s now been wiped, along with every other save on your memory card and any trust you ever had toward technology. Infuriated doesn€™t quite cover it; this one makes for a €˜worst day of my life€™ contender. Remember how your parents said you were wasting your life? Well now they were right.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.