10 Gods We Need To See In SMITE In 2021

6. Sif

Pantheon: Norse

The wife of the thunder god Thor, Sif is the goddess of wheat, fertility, family and of the earth. She is the mother of both Þrúðr, anglicised as Thrud, and of Ullr, however Thor is only father to Thrud; it is unknown who the father of Ullr is, thought it has been speculated that it was the legendary hero Egil. Sif is famous for her golden hair, symbolic of the wheat which she protects.

In a famous Norse text by Snorri Sturluson called the Prose Edda, Sif has her head shaved by Loki in her sleep. Thor is enraged by this and threatens Loki, who promises to find a way to restore Sif’s hair. Loki travels to the centre of the earth to visit the Gnomes, who fashion a cap of golden silk to replace Sif’s hair. This journey also saw Loki acquire the legendary spear Gungnir for Odin and the legendary hammer Mjölnir for Thor.

Of all in the Norse Pantheon currently in SMITE, Sif is the most important deity to currently be excluded. Odin was playable at the launch of the game in 2012, and Thor, Loki, Ullr, Tyr, Freya, Sol and Heimdallr are just some of the Norse deities who have been introduced since. Adding Sif to the game in 2021 would help to complete the Norse pantheon.

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Hey, Darren here! I'm a Media enthusiast with a strong passion for Film and Video Games. I graduated from Plymouth University in 2019 with a degree in Digital Media Design, and now I am here writing articles.