10 Great Square Games (That Aren't Final Fantasy)

8. Brave Fencer Musashi

Bravefencer1 If there's one thing to hate the pre-merger Square for, it's that so many of their games were never given European releases, including the original versions of Final Fantasies II, III and V. Another such game was 1998's Brave Fencer Musashi, a real-time action title (with RPG elements, naturally) that was only available in Europe to those with a Playstation capable of playing the American import of the game, which was cruelly ignored by the vast majority of Stateside gamers. Despite a cartoony graphical style that may have put some people off, the title's gameplay was second to none, putting players in control of the titular fencer Musashi and his two swords on a quest to acquire scrolls that enhance his weaponry and abilities. Strong combat, combined with an array of mini-games, side quests resulting from the constant rescuing of villagers, character customisation and growth, a day and night cycle that heavily affected proceedings and the ability to collect action figures (which actually depreciate in value if you take them out of the box!) combined to make his quest a highly addictive one, and one which remains highly enjoyable to this day should you be able to source a copy of the game (which has frustratingly been re-released on the Playstation Network only in Japan).

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.