10 Great Video Games Everybody Just Stopped Playing
7. Horizon Forbidden West

Horizon Forbidden West can certainly be a meaty behemoth of a game if you want it to be, but to the same token, if you stick to the critical path the story campaign can be pretty comfortably cleared in around 20 hours.
And so, it's surprising that trophy data reveals a mere 29.8% of players have actually beaten the game's final mission.
Well, it would be surprising, if not for the fact that - as anyone who's played the game to completion will attest - the final boss fight against Tilda/Specter Prime is a major pain in the ass.
The battle marks a severe difficulty spike compared to the rest of the game, and while the chapter completion rates leading up to the final fight were already quite low, that less than one-third of players have beaten a relatively short single-player AAA game is pretty shocking.