10 Greatest Ever Zombie Games

2. The Walking Dead

wd As one of the most popular TV series in recent memory, and the best selling comic of the 21st Century, a game based on The Walking Dead was inevitable. Instead of going the obvious route (first person shooter, kill as many zombies as you can, get to safety - as Activision so predictably did with The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct recently), the license was awarded to Telltale Games who decided to follow the comics lead and focus on characterization and emotion rather than action. They achieved this by doing what they do best - making a point and click adventure game. Serializing the game by producing 'episodes' rather than one long game, and with a unique presentation based on the artwork of Charlie Adlard, resulted in a really unique, fresh and exciting game that constantly left us wanting more. The game has also evolved the point and click genre by adding quick time actions and responses to the mix, forcing you to think on your feet and always be on your guard as well as suffer the consequences of your choices. The complete 'Season' is now available through Steam, XBL and PSN and will also be getting a disc release in May. It comes highly recommended, especially if you want something a bit more unique in presentation and gameplay from the zombie genre.
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punk, kindasorta journalist, writer of short stories, owner of too many t-shirts, and comic nerd. All of these insults have been used to describe me. 51% PMA 49% FTW I also write anecdotal music reviews here: http://fa-nat-ic.co.uk