10 Greatest Fictional Video Game Wrestlers Ever

6. DMX (Def Jam Vendetta)

video game wrestlers
AKI Corporation/EA

While few expected a wrestling game featuring rappers to even be playable, Def Jam Vendetta surprised just about everyone when it was released by being a surprisingly fantastic experience. 

The entire Def Jam roster is memorable in one or another, but DMX is the standout. His technical wrestling skills are fairly impressive for an untrained rapper, but what's truly memorable is his insane tornado hurricanrana neck-snap finisher. It's a fabled finisher once deemed "physically impossible" by a board of physicians but - as was prophesized in his songs - X is indeed gonna give it to you here. 

I'd also be lying if I said that DMX's inclusion on this list isn't partially based on fear of what the legitimately crazy rapper might do if he found out that Redman took this spot instead. 


An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.