10 Greatest Fictional Video Game Wrestlers Ever

5. King (Tekken)

video game wrestlers

As a street fighting orphan rescued by the Catholic church and given a mission to save the children by becoming a professional wrestling, King's story is one that is as old as time itself. 

King's fighting prowess, however, is unmatched by few that have ever set foot in the ring. He moves with a speed appropriate for a man that wears the face of a Jaguar, and his grappling skills can be vouched for by a legion of unfortunate opponents caught in one of King's famed suplexes. While the original King would eventually be killed by Ogre, the God of Fighting, his lineage would carry be carried on by a string of fighters every bit as capable as the man who first donned the mask. 

One of the most beloved characters in the entirety of the fighting genre, King is a true video game wrestling icon. 


An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.