10 Greatest Fictional Video Game Wrestlers Ever

3. Zangief (Street Fighter)

video game wrestlers

Do you ever wonder how Zangief got those scars that cover his body? Legend has it that they were acquired in one of his many wrestling matches against a Siberian brown bear. Legend also has it that the bears left in far worse shape than Zangief.

Zangief doesn't talk much about his pro wrestling background, but the man's clubbing blows and spinning piledriver finisher speak louder than his questionable vocabulary skills ever could. Weighing in at over 400 pounds of solid muscle, this titan of the squared circle forgoes the magic fireballs his competition is so fond of in favor of simply punching his opponent in the face until they yield. 

In that regard, he's something of a role model to us all. 


An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.