10 Greatest Fictional Video Game Wrestlers Ever

4. Mike Haggar (Final Fight)

video game wrestlers

You know, if I were a member of the Mad Gear gang, I would have probably spoken out against terrorising a city where the mayor was an impossibly jacked, ex-professional wrestler. 

Nevertheless, that gang's questionable decision in the first Final Fight game allowed us all to experience the fury of Mayor Mike Haggar. Mike may have technically entered the Final Fight fray to rescue his kidnapped daughter, but given the man's natural ability to destroy any foe that looks at him the wrong way, it's just as easy to believe that he would have taken to cleaning up the streets himself for the sheer fun of it.  

If Final Fight wasn't enough to convince you of Hagar's pro wrestling prowess, check out his appearance in the underrated classic Saturday Night Slam Masters to see what he is capable of between the ropes. 


An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.