10 Greatest Gaming Wing-Men Ever
1. Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite)
Like Ashley from Resident Evil 4 or Natalya from Goldeneye, Elizabeth is essentially the target of an escort mission. Unlike Ashley or Natalya, Elizabeth is a great, fleshed-out character with intelligence and creativity. Having been locked up in a large tower on Monument Island since she was a child, Elizabeth has an intense curiosity regarding the outside world. Offered a chance at freedom by Booker DeWitt, she eagerly accepts and becomes a great partner throughout the game.
Her most unique ability is the power to create and manipulate Tears in time and space, which reveal alternate dimensions. She uses this ability often in combat situations to bring useful items through the Tears for use by Booker. She is also an intelligent character, offering knowledge on a range of subjects, such as lockpicking. One of her greatest attributes, however, is her ability to provide a range of resources to Booker, such as medicine and money, seemingly from thin air. So even though Elizabeth can often be naive, her role as a non-terrible escort mission companion lands her the coveted position of number 1 on my list.
Did I miss anyone? If you think of more amazing companions, wing men, and sidekicks, let me know in the comments below!