10 Greatest Hidden Video Game Weapons

8. Unlabored Flawlessness (Ninja Gaiden)

Unlabored Flawlessness isn't only the coolest name ever devised for a video game weapon, but it's a pretty hefty piece of badass weaponry to boot. Most Ninja Gaiden players will never stumble upon it, though, as the weapon is hidden within the practically useless wooden sword. You really never have a reason to use the wooden sword and will likely not understand why you would ever want to invest precious resources to upgrade the item to its full potential - especially when doing so never seems to improve it at all. If however, you do commit to upgrading the wooden sword to its resource-draining max level, it'll morph into the wooden paddle known as Unlabored Flawlessness. In a game that is hard enough to beat if you are playing it like an expert, most people will never dream of chasing after an item that asks so much of them.
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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.