10 Greatest Hidden Video Game Weapons

7. Drake Sword (Dark Souls)

Whenever I hear someone is having trouble getting started with Dark Souls, I always have one response: "Bro, do you even Drake Sword?" There are a series of weapons that you can get in Dark Souls by cutting the tails off of bosses, but the Drake Sword is the first that you'll have the opportunity to acquire. It's also the one you are least likely to discover naturally, as the dragon it's attached to is far too powerful for you to take down when you first come across it. However, by cheesing the game a bit and shooting about a hundred arrows into its tail at a spot where it can not possibly retaliate (below the bridge it's at the end of), you can make the absurdly powerful Drake Sword yours. Dark Souls may not be a forgiving game, but for those in the know, the hidden Drake Sword is a fantastic way to even the odds very early on.
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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.