10 Greatest Last Stands In Video Game History

5. Bill's Passing - Left 4 Dead

Red Dead Redemption Ending

Hitting at a time when zombies were at their hottest, and let's be honest bloody everywhere - Left 4 Dead took a group of four survivors, pit them against hundreds of the dead for the best zombie game period. The shooting is a big part of L4D, but it is held together with a strong cast of characters.

If players wanted it, they could observe the companionships of Bill, Zoey, Louis and Francis grow - They'd come to learn that Louis has a knack for finding Pills and Francis hates everything except steam.

So fast-forward to The Sacrifice DLC - the original four decided to stick it alone, but against unlimited hordes of the undead, this was never going to end well. As more challenges face the survivors, they are tasked with lowering the bridge, but of course, this needs refuelling.

Once that is complete it seems like the gang made it out once more, but just when they think it's over, the motor powering the bridge stalls. In a selfless effort, Bill runs out to start it back up, he does succeed, but three Tanks and countless zombies were just too much for that old dog this time.

Let it be noted that any member can sacrifice themselves, but to keep things canon, it is Bill that takes the plunge.


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.