10 Greatest Metal Gear Plot Twists

6. The Ninja Is A Lie

We all know that ninjas are cool, right? Well, except for when they want to kill you, that is. Metal Gear Solid 1 introduced a mysterious Cyborg Ninja early on, prompting a mystery that would mystify players about his true identity. After a brutal fist fight with him inside Otacon's lab, Snake finally realizes who this guy actually is; former best friend turned Big Boss lackey, Gray Fox. In Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the two fought in a minefield that supposedly claimed Fox's life. After the fall of Big Boss, he was resurrected as the Cyborg Ninja thanks to the Patriots and Dr. Clark, later retconned to be Para-Medic from Metal Gear Solid 3. It's another strand in the twisted web that Kojima weaves, never leaving a plot stone unturned and mining it for future stories later.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.