10 Greatest Metal Gear Plot Twists

3. Century-Old Mystery

And speaking of the Patriots, they took center stage in a post-credits epilogue at the end of Metal Gear Solid 2 where Snake and Otacon discussed some rather perturbing information; they were all dead, and it happened over one-hundred years ago. The mystery group and their true identity plagued gamers for years, all while Kojima kept them distracted with prequels starring Big Boss. He didn't earn the nickname Trolljima for nothing. It was a truly shocking moment, leaving gamers with their jaws stuck to the floor for a grand total of seven years, as the conclusion to the mystery was finally resolved in 2008's Metal Gear Solid 4; two games later. Though the response to Kojima's answer to the series' biggest riddle was met with conflicting opinions, there can be no denying that this late-game cliffhanger in MGS2 was absolutely astounding.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.