10 Greatest Metal Gear Plot Twists

2. Master Of Disguise

As far as video game betrayals go, the one that shocked the most was this one. Your progress through Metal Gear Solid was often assisted by McDonnel Miller, a man whom Snake had trained with in FoxHound. Their relationship was clearly one of trust, but that was all torn away when Snake's brother Liquid revealed that he had been impersonating Miller the entire time. It's a horrific moment of realization when you discover that Liquid had murdered Miller and stolen his identity, cementing his place amongst MGS villains. It also has all the hallmarks of a great mystery, as you can go back and see the very obvious clues that Kojima littered throughout the game. In the aftermath of Liquid's Hind D helicopter crashing outside of the communication tower, calls to Miller's codec frequency go unanswered. Additionally, Miller is often unreachable during very erratic times during the game, lending a sense of credibility to Liquid's reveal later on.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.