10 Greatest Ever Musical Moments In Gaming History

3. Bioshock Infinite

Elizabeth.. would this be a good time to tell you about my vertigo?

Music: God Only Knows At the start of Bioshock Infinite, after arriving at the picturesque Columbia, you're confronted with "the gayest quartet the city has to offer" (seriously, that's what they're billed as). Depsite this, they do a pretty cool rendition, in four part harmony, of the Beach Boys' God Only Knows. That in itself is weird for a game that seemingly takes place before they existed. If you haven't played it, play it and answer that question for yourself. At the end of the game, as the final pieces of the Bioshock Infinite puzzle play out and slot together and the screen fades to black, the same version of God Only Knows starts to play. After the heart-stopping revelations the last 15 minutes have brought, about Comstock, Booker, Elizabeth, your past and even the future, when the music starts playing over the credits, it now sounds haunting and deeply depressing. You realise there was more to the gay little quartet than just a cheap laugh and a pop culture reference; it's a perfectly crafted moment that sticks with you for a long time after. "God only knows what I'd be without you..."

The unwanted friend of misanthropes everywhere. I like gaming, movies and funny third thing.