10 Greatest Pokémon From Generation III

6. Altaria

Altaria Dragon/Flying Swalub - ALTARIA Swalub becomes Altaria at Level 35 Effect: NATURAL CURE heals any status ailments upon switching out In at number 6 we have yet another dual type Pokémon and that is Altaria. Altaria is a Dragon and Flying type Pokémon that looks kinda like a cloud with a long neck and a cute face. Altaria follows on with the trend of convenient party Pokémon because Swalub is another Pokémon which can be added to your party quite early in your adventure - on Routes 114 and 115 to be precise. Having a Dragon Pokémon in your party from the start of your journey onwards can prove to be a great advantage over your friends and opponents because of the sheer power they always possess. Altaria is a very good "tank" Pokémon because of it's very good Defence and Special Defence stats. It also possesses one of my favourite effects too: Natural Cure. Altaria is a great Pokémon for both all out attack and strategic trainers alike because of it's capability to learn powerful moves as well as last the course in a fight. Altaria's moves which benefit an offensive trainer consist of Sky Attack and Dragon Breath whereas a strategic trainer may want to teach his or her Altaria moves such as Dragon Dance which increases both Speed and Attack or Perish Song which forces all Pokémon who heard the song to faint after 3 turns unless they have switched out. Altaria is definitely one of the best all rounders of this Generation of Pokémon and therefore a great addition to anyone's party.
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I'm Zak and I graduated from the University of Hull in 2014 - where I studied 20th Century History. I love anything about football, especially weird and wonderful stats. I'm in to trying just about any game and enjoy debating about films. My main passion for writing comes from the beautiful game! I encourage debate so please leave any comments you think of! I hope you enjoy the articles.