10 Greatest Superhero Video Games Of All Time

7. Ultimate Spider-Man

ultimate Spider man

Ultimate Spider-Man, (based on the incredible comic series of the same name) was a 2005 video game that was heavily influenced by the former Spider-Man 2 movie game (by heavily influenced, I mean it was almost a clone).

Featuring an open-world formula underpinning the living, breathing New York City, Ultimate Spider-Man truly allowed you to feel like the Wall-Crawler on all fronts. An excellent story, incredible voice acting, awesome cast of characters and once again, the opportunity to play as the evil Venom, Ultimate Spider-Man is quite honestly the ultimate Spider-man game in every possible fashion.

Spider-Man 2 could have easily gone on the list in place of Ultimate, but let's be honest, playing as Venom beats delivering pizzas any day.

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I like comics, music, wrestling, and Jesus...oh, and tacos, can't forget about the tacos.