10 Greatest Talkative Gaming Villains

9. Macbeth Train Engineer - Starfox 64

Voice acting in Nintendo games is a rare treat even today, so the revelation that Starfox 64 (known as Lylat Wars in the UK) would be supplementing its character banter with real voices was a pleasant surprise. The internal squabbling of the Star Fox team may have added to the game€™s cinematic feel, but it€™s the enemy pilots chiming in over the intercom that make for the most memorable exchanges.Step forward Macbeth Train Engineer; the nameless controller of a train that€™s delivering weapons to a supply depot in one of the game€™s most memorable sequences. Grounded in his Landmaster tank, Fox and the Engineer find themselves in a breakneck race across the surface of the planet. The Engineer€™s a confident, even cocky nemesis. €œHere come the little hyenas now!€ he drawls, countering Fox€™s every move with taciturn instructions. €œDetatch the rear vee-hicle! Step on the gas!€ Only in his final moments €“ either crushed under his own robot or thundering helplessly into the depot, depending on the player€™s actions €“ does the Engineer finally lose his cool. Not even Andross gets as much screen time as this baddie, let alone two unique death scenes -- the Macbeth Train sequence, with its signature villain, remains a classic Starfox encounter.
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Chris has over a decade's experience as a game designer and writer in the video game industry. He's currently battling Unity in a fight to the death.