10 Greatest Video Game Post-Final Boss Fights

8. Liquid Snake - Metal Gear Solid

metal gear solid 3

Who doesn't love Liquid Snake?

In a game whose rogue gallery included a psychic in bondage gear, a chaingun-toting shaman and a cyborg ninja, Liquid still managed to stand out. Played to scenery-chewing perfection by veteran voice actor Cam Clarke, Liquid was a cracking villain.

Of course, part of what made him so memorable was that he had more lives than a Buddhist cat. By the end of the game, Liquid had survived:

- Having his helicopter shot down

- Being trapped inside an exploding mech.

- Being beaten half to death and thrown off aforesaid mech.

- Having several dozen heavy machine gun rounds pumped into his bare torso in a car chase.

It's the latter point that qualifies Liquid as a Post-Final boss. Unless you are unbelievably cack-handed, the car chase is almost impossible to screw up. Instead, it's all about the drama of the moment as you fire round after round into a seemingly unkillable madman in a desperate bid to escape the self-destructing Shadow Moses facility.

It was a suitably wild finale to the original Metal Gear Solid, and a fitting send-off for a great nemesis.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.