10 Greatest Video Game Trailers Of 2013 So Far

2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain


I consider this trailer to be the closest to perfection, being absolutely flawless this is because this trailer has everything a person could want: innovative music, pitch perfect voice acting, narration that is greater than Call Of Duty€™s, dazzling graphics, heartbreaking action sequences, and an overwhelmingly obscure story.

Here I believe is the most technically perfect trailer of 2013 so far:

Now that you€™ve seen the trailer if you haven't already, I€™m sure most of you will agree that the it€™s impeccable even for those that are not a fan of the series. I like to give credit where it is due and I firmly believe that this is one of those times it€™s due. This is one of those trailers that gives you goosebumps everytime you watch it, it never seems to get old and the viewer can always feel a connection to the character€™s and sympathise with Big Boss, one of the hardest things to achieve through trailers and games yet this trailer does it perfectly every time.

I wasn't satisfied by showing you just the cinematic trailer so I am going to provide you with a bonus trailer which shares the same qualities, so please enjoy:


My Names Is Humza, and I am a 20 Year Old: Guitarist , Anime/Manga Enthusiast, Hardcore Gamer, Music -J/K Pop Maniac. My PSN = ShatteredPheonix add me if you wish to play some games.