10 Greatest Video Game Voice Actors

7. Rob Wietoff (Red Dead Redemption)

Rockstar's video games are always praised for their excellent voice acting, and what's great is that despite the odd cameos from the likes of Samuel L. Jackson, they normally defer to lesser-known actors so that the performances can (literally) speak for themselves rather then rest on ceremony. In Red Dead Redemption, the protagonist is John Martson, an outlaw of the old west who is trying to settle for a quiet life with his family; it's not a particularly original concept for a game, albeit one executed with extraordinary class by Rockstar. Similarly, the outlaw character has been done to death in cinema, and so to deliver a rendition of this that doesn't seem cliched or rote is a real challenge, one that voice actor Rob Wietoff completely rises to with his steely, resonant portrayal. There's a weathered quality to the performance, with Wietoff clearly understanding the worn-down nature of the character, such that we get emotionally involved in the journey and actually want John to get out alive, even though, ultimately, he doesn't. It's a case of a voice actor employing subtle inflections to differentiate his character from the countless lazy wild west characters we've seen in video games and movies throughout the years.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.